пятница, 30 декабря 2011 г.

Pronunciation: hard and soft signs

There are two letters in the russian alphabet that don't have any sounds - the hard sign (твёрдый знак) and the soft sign (мягкий знак). In this post, I will try to explain you how do we use these letters without any sounds and how can we pronounce them.

Ъъ - твёрдый знак 
Ьь - мягкий знак 

The hard sign 

You have to use the hard sign Ъ for separating a prefix and a root of a word. In this case a prefix should finish with a consonant (for example, под-, из-, об-, с-) and a root should start with a vowel (only е, ё, ю or я). Examples: подъезд (an entrance), изъять (to withdraw), объятие (an embrace), съесть (to eat).

Also you have to use tha hard sign Ъ for separating in compound words with numbers such as двухъярусный (double-level), трёхъязычный (trilingual, triglot).

NB! There is no the hard sign in front of the other vowels. Examples: безопасный (safe), контрудар (counterblow), трансарктический (transarctic).

The soft sign

You have to use the soft sign Ь for separating inside a word (in a root or in a suffix) and only before vowels е, ё, ю, я, и: вьюга (a snowstorm), бурьян (weeds). Sometimes there is the soft sign Ь after the vowel о also, but it's only for foreign words: бульон (a bouillon), синьор (a signor). The vowel that follows the soft sign Ь becomes yotated. Compare two words: семя (a seed) - семья (a family).

A consonant before the soft sign Ь becomes soft.

The soft sign Ь can end a word also. In this case a consonant on front of Ь is softened, too. Examples: гореть (to be on fire), степь (a steppe), мать (a mother).

NB! Remember that you can't write the soft sign Ь after a prefix.

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