воскресенье, 18 декабря 2011 г.

How to say: Colors in Russian

As you remember I'm gathering useful phrases and good words that we use many times in everyday life. I believe that you've already known how to say "Hello" and 15 everyday expressions.

Today I want to teach you how to say different colors in Russian. Look at the picture below.

Colors in Russian

How to use colors in sentences? Go through examples below and try to do exercises.
  1. Моя машина красная. - My car is red.
  2. Я не люблю черный цвет. - I don't like black color.
  3. На работу я не могу надевать зелёную и синюю одежду. - At work I can't wear green and blue clothes.
Now it's your turn.
  1. Яблоки бывают разных цветов: ___________, _____________, ____________.
  2. Невеста на свадьбу обычно надевает _____________ платье.
  3. У светофора три цвета: _________, ___________ и ______________.
  4. У меня осталось ____________ пятно на платье от пролитого вина.
  5. Летом листья на деревьях ___________, а осенью - _____________.
Don't forget that if you have any questions about this task, or the other exercises, or about Russian, I will be glad to help you. Go to "Contact" and choose the way how can you find me.

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